Simple Search
Powered by EOS

Linked media (e.g., images, sounds, etc.)
Faceted search
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Simple Search Tips

Search: Enter the terms to be searched. Terms may be entered as keywords or a phrase. Click on Search to execute your search. Click on Start Over to clear the search field and selected options.


Select Match ALL Keywords to narrow your search using AND (Term1 AND Term2 AND Term3). Select Match ANY Keyword to expand your search using OR (Term1 OR Term2 OR Term3). Select Exact Phrase to limit your search to the terms as entered (no variations of each keyword) and in the order entered. Select Spelling Variations, Synonyms, or Related Words to expand keyword matching to include variations of the terms entered. Alternate display: Search collections: If your library has enabled search collections, select whether to search hard-copy and/or electronic resources.

Find: If your library is set up to return media separately, enable this option to include media in the search results. If your library is set up for full-text searching, enable this option for full-text searching of linked documents.

Year: Enter a single year or range of years to limit your search by publication date.

Limit/view search results: Select from the lists provided to limit your search. Once results display, these lists also provide the number of results found (e.g., Format: Book (151), Maps (1), Visual Materials (3), etc.).