FAQ Search Tips
A-Z:Click on a letter to limit results to entries beginning with the selected letter.
Category: Select the category to limit results by FAQ category.
Begins, Contains, Ends: Select the filter to search from the beginning of the field, the contents of the field, or the end of the field.
Search: Enter the letter, word, or phrase. The following fields are searched: Question, Answer, and Sources. Click on Search to search Frequently Asked Questions. Click on Start Over to clear your entry, category selection, and filter selection.
+: Click on the plus sign (+) to view the question, answer, and sources. Click on the view icon or the hyperlinked question to display the reference ID, request date, question, answer, and sources.
To send a request to your library (sign in required): If your library has enabled Add Requests, the option is found under My Accounts, My Requests, Add.